
BSL NEWS 02 April 2020

Coronavirus Testing Taken from BBC News website on 01 April 2020 Last weekend 900 NHS staff were tested for the Coronavirus. The government have said they feel these numbers are low and they would like to see more testing of Health Workers. The government says that increased testing hasn’t been possible due to not being […]

Coronavirus Information

The following links have information about the Coronavirus: https://www.signhealth.org.uk/coronavirus/ New government announcement 19 March 2020 – schools update What is Coronavirus? How do I avoid getting sick or spreading the virus? What are the symptoms of coronavirus? I was in contact with someone who might have coronavirus, what should I do? How do I avoid […]


If you have certain disabilities then some day to day activities can be pretty hard to do. Shopping, in particular, can be quite a challenge. Wheelchair accessibility can be poor, communication with shopkeepers can be limited for the Deaf, searching shelves a barrier to the blind. There are delivery services run by supermarkets that allow […]

When accessibility is lip service

One of the activities at Appa me ltd is teaching. We teach hearing people British Sign Language (BSL) to foster communication and accessibility between hearing and Deaf communities. There already plenty of issues surrounding this, such as lack of the current lack of a GCSE in BSL  (see Independent article) or even the recognition of […]

The Sound Shirt

A Tactile Symphony for the Deaf Music is one of the hardest things to make accessible to deaf people, but that’s not stopped the people at CuteCircuit trying. And they have come up with the Sound Shirt. The Sound Shirt 2.0 is a garment featuring 30 actuators that express physical movements in the fabric of […]

Brexit, Deaf & Disabled people and our Welfare State

Brexit: What does it mean for Deaf and Disabled people living in the Welfare State? by Michaela Aitken Today I received some disability news that reminded me we are living in unprecedented times; another disability provider has had to close its doors due to funding withdrawal. Its clients and customers now left with a solitary […]

DWP Raises Cap on Access to Work Payments

In March 2015 the  Access to Work (AtW) payments scheme was capped for induvidials at 1.5 times the National Average Salary. This left Deaf and Disabled people without the full support they wanted as the cap was too restrictive. However, the cap did bring down the cost for the more expensive support services. The Cap. DWP have […]

Communicating with People who have Hearing Loss

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Some general Advice for clear communication for people with hearing loss.   A small amount of thought and effort in communicating with deaf and hard of hearing people can make a huge difference. For Sign Language Users whose main link to the world is visual, it is helpful to use: Some basic signs and […]


MidlandsAbility Improving Workplace Opportunity for those with Disabilities Our director Imran Umar had the pleasure of attending the MidlandsAbility Network Launch at KPMG in Birmingham. MidlandsAbility is an exciting new network which aims to increase confidence in recruiting, developing and retaining employees with a disability. MidlandsAbility is made up of a core group of Midlands […]

Funky Finger Weekly Baby Group

An Event on behalf of James Wolfe Primary School in Greenwich, London   Are you a deaf parent, or are you a parent of a deaf baby? If so this group, run by the specialist Centre for Deaf Children at James Wolfe Primary School is for you. Come along and share your experiences as a […]

Mental Health Awareness Week 2017

Mental Health Awareness Week 2017 has started and there seems to be a greater push than ever to raise awareness of mental and in doing so remove the stigma it bears. It’s vitally important that awareness of our own mental health is raised.  Why? – Well the condition of our mental health is as fundamental […]

A Guide to Learning a Language – In Theory

You may have heard of Ted Talks – you maybe an avid follower of new speakers or it’s something we are introducing to you, in essence TED talks help spread brilliant ideas, findings, knowledge. For us this talk was of particular interest as well as 9.6 million other viewers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d0yGdNEWdn0 If you don’t have time […]

ISO9001 – Lea-Ann Penaluna – Team Leader

Lea-Ann Penaluna – Team Leader appa me ltd appa me | appa life | appa training | appa fitness | appa kids Introduction I first became involved with ISO 9001 June 2015, formatting and referencing the in house approved documents to then be linked to the Document Log. A simple task which then led to […]

ISO9001 – Kyla Aitken – Operations Director

Kyla Aitken – Operations Director appa me ltd appa me | appa life | appa training | appa fitness | appa kids What’s in a Name? ISO has a different acronyms in different languages, so adopted the short form ISO, derived from the Greek isos – meaning equal appa as a company stands by its […]

Yes I Can

appa were delighted to see the new ‘Yes I Can’ advert for the Rio Paralympic Games 2016?  The advert delivered beautifully to highlight the prospective Paralympians performing with grace, power and skill. Ok, as an allegedly abled bodied person I can assure you I am no threat to the current UK Olympic roster. I can […]

DWP Overlooks SME Advice and pays the cost

Turn a Corner appa were delighted at the recent successful prosecution  of Ethel and Paul Neal, founders of Neals Communication. A Croydon based deaf support company purportedly serving S.E. London and local regions. It is one of a group of companies in an interconnected collection of directors, owners and employees forming a conspiracy of fraud. The […]

Public Shaming – Shifting Perspectives

Public Shaming – Shifting Perspectives Is Social Media the best method in which to raise awareness? appa looks into a recent case of mistaken perception and the immediate negative implications it can have for disabled and Deaf people in the wrong hands. You may have seen the news this week when a well-known rapper, ‘50 […]

Curing Deafness with Genetic Engineering

Curing Deafness with Genetic Engineering News on methods to treat deafness and hearing loss waxes and wanes, and when the news includes the word “genetic” the clamor waxes stronger. Since news came out about trials for a genetic cure that started in October 2014 the headlines keep resurfacing. So where are we at? Firstly it […]

Our Clients: Andrew Muskat

Andrew, a grafter, has worked at Lloyds for over 34 years. Today he tells us about some ofthe barriers and solutions of working as a Deaf person in hearing corporate Britain. In the early days (1980’s) paperwork was king. Proper paperwork, where you had to use pens, paper ledgers and handwritten procedures. In many ways […]

Iain Duncan Smith and getting people to work

The superficial hue and cry from the headline grabbing hungry press and radical disability activists are condemning Iain Duncan Smith’s changes to sickness benefits. However, the core principles at the heart of the proposal have synergy with appa’s own principles; Give people the right support and they can turn a corner in their own lives […]