It’s Deaf Awareness week and at appa we will be showing our support online with regular posts on Deaf awareness and “Coming through it together”, the motto for this year’s event.

Deaf Awareness Week is organised by the UK Council on Deafness. Their aims for the event are to;
- Raise awareness
- Improve access to education, health, social care and employment
- Ensure people have the accessible information they need
- Advocate and inform the Government and the public at large about Deafness and hearing loss
- Provide Secretariat support to the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Deafness
- Raise awareness about the importance of embracing and recognising language and culture, preventing hearing loss;
- Improve the quality of services for people who are Deaf or have a hearing loss
- Continue to raise the profile and importance of equality, accessibility and recognition through our supporting sub-groups in Deaf Access in Communications (DAC), Employment (including Access to Work), British Sign Language Act Group(BSLA ).
Deaf issues still exist due to the lack of equal treatment under the law. Things are improving and Deaf Awareness Week is the kind of event that will help push the issue into public consciousness.
Check out our upcoming social media posts on @appameltd and here on the appa blog.